A Holocaust museum in New York City will offer free educational field trips to eighth grade students in public schools in a program announced Thursday aimed at combating antisemitism. The program will allow up to 85,000 students at traditional public schools and charter schools to tour Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage over the next three years, […]

New York City plans to send eighth-grade students from across the city on field trips to the Museum of Jewish Heritage as part of an effort to address antisemitism. The program, part of a $2.5 million public-private partnership to address antisemitism, will be seeded with $1 million from a foundation run by Jon Gray, the […]

America’s biggest donors gave more than $11.9 billion in 2023. This year’s report features our analysis of the list, giving trends among megadonors, and a look at their giving to and from their foundations and donor-advised funds in 2023. The report highlights some of the country’s most interesting philanthropists, including a look at how those who will dominate big […]


Gray proved just how much he and his wife Mindy can be worth at a gala. The very first Basser benefit raised $8 million for fighting cancers linked to BRCA gene mutations.

Taking a different approach to the usual benefit-hosting, the Basser Center for BRCA threw a casual and cool celebration at Cipriani Wall Street for their inaugural New York City benefit aptly named Basser Jean Bash – Unzip Your Genes.  

If one were to judge the scene at Cipirani Wall Street solely by the guest list alone, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were hedge fund directors, corporate lawyers, media personalities, and a sprinkling of fashion folk. But instead of the sea of suits and cocktail dresses indicative of such a venue, guests took a more […]

There was an important event Tuesday night in Manhattan to raise awareness for cancers linked to the BRCA gene. The event “Unzip Your Genes” benefited the Basser Research Center founded by Mindy and Jon Gray.

Harlem Village Academies (HVA), a network of five charter schools in Harlem, New York, was founded in 2001 by Deborah Kenny, a former executive at Sesame Street Publishing and an educator with a master’s from Teacher’s College.